Sunday, 31 July 2016

Laugh With Joy

When I had to learn how to read, write, walk and talk again, there was something so deep and so profound that God could only provide and that was the joy that surpases sorrow, that overcomes misery, that triumphs over adversity and that was and is the joy of the Lord; knowing that even in the darkest times God always brings the sunshine of His promises, the joy that overcomes the deepest valley. When I was able to literally laugh again, it was and is a sweet simple joy that I shall use until it is no more ;)

By Ernie Kasper ~ Stroke Survivor

Monday, 4 July 2016

The Journey Of A Thousand Dreamers

This Is Called
~The Journey Of A Thousand Dreamers~

By Ernie Kasper

The Art In Me

This is called

~Coffee Break~
By Ernie Kasper

Half Way Alive

A Christian Needs To Go Much Further Than

Church On Sundays

Leaving Their Habits And Preferences At Home

They Need To Step Into The Apostles Devoted Call

To Reach The Lost

To Live The Gospel 24/7

To Bring The Peace That Passes All Understanding

It Transforms The Heart

The Life

The Actions Of The Soul

That Hears The Salvation Message

                                         By Ernie Kasper

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Black Belt Truth

Leap Of Faith

Sometimes a leap of faith is the only direction we can go.
I've faced that very dilemma many times when dealing with my stroke and when I couldn't read, write, walk or talk it took me so amazingly far because I knew that Christ was with me through it all. I began making art, writing poetry, capturing photography and doing things such as martial arts, parkour and so much more. God does the impossible :)