Sunday 20 August 2017

The Reality Of Islam

~A Time To Reflect~ 

We in society have become so numb to reality, to understanding healthy criticism and knowing the suffering that Islam has given, the victims voices are silenced because of political correctness and poor democratic leadership within North America
We blur everything for the sake of convenience rather than the joy of knowing truth over deceit. Islamophobia is one of the greatest misappropriated labels of our time, a disingenuous painted story of racism when in fact it's truly about the ideology, not the skin colour, not the sex, not the age or whatever the world may push upon this problematic teaching. This is all about a teaching in #islam that states this very core foundation
Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 177:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."
The very fact that Muhammed married a young little girl and also ordered the killing of so many innocent lives is a side note to the destruction islam has pursued for the subjugation of all people because they simply don't agree with the pagan god (allah is a god of 360 gods and allah literally means THE GOD, in paganism that refers to TOP GOD)
Looking at the origins of islam is key and the history tells a truth that most sincere intellects can see, despite varying biased viewpoints. As a whole islam is the worship of the top pagan god ALLAH and the life of muhammad is shocking and repulsive on so many levels but what we as #christians ought to do is stand firm in truth and yet show great love and compassion for the lost and dying in an ideology that pursues vengeance and works for which there is no guarantee of salvation, a heaven or a true loving relationship with the God of the bible. Let us be sober minded in approaching islam and the people who have embraced it's bipolar doctrine of subjugation.

A fantastic video from #billwarner (expert on Islam)

Friday 18 August 2017

The Little Things

We so often want a grandiose change, something sudden, awe inspiring and pivotal but surprisingly enough, some times the greatest change is in the little things that cause a big tipping point. I remember when I was younger, I thought of how amazing it would be to be like samson from the bible, a superhero, someone with massive strength! You daydream and imagine, thinking of all the cool things you would or should do. Laying down in a field of dreams and just chuckling at different ideas that pass through your mind like clouds dancing across the sky on a windy day.
As you grow up you realize that some amazing things can happen by dedication, courage and determination, not to say that God doesn't do miracles in any way but we are held with gifts and each according to His plan, now the question is do we bury them and do nothing or do we cultivate them, tend to them and watch them grow. I began training extremely hard after my stroke happened and learning to do everything over was no small task and by God's grace I overcame and am overcoming huge obstacles. Currently I'm training five days a week and seeing a huge improvement but not without blood, sweat and tears. The profound thing is this, even in my weakness I was determined, focused, purposefully pushing forward no matter what; little by little I've come to the point I'm at, and it is paramount. I look back and realize that I've done what seemed literally impossible and what has taken root is more than strength in muscles but rather strength in character, in diligence and fortitude. Now that's a change I would never take back...
I faced a lion of improbable victory and came out the winner and so can you by God's grace.

Thursday 17 August 2017

The World TODAY

The Challenge

Life is a challenge and so many times we struggle with sudden change but change can easily become a catapult for something new and exciting. The greatest issue can easily be the fear of the unknown, wondering if that very change I good or bad. You could easily have a 100 people with the same circumstances and yet you will always have one who deals with that set of challenges in an amazing way, they see the change that initially felt fearful and made it into something inspirational, they see it as an opportunity instead of a huge obstacle waiting to crush their hopes and dreams. The difference is in the mindset, in how you approach the difficulties, the unknown.
When I had my stroke I had to learn to read, write, walk and talk again and it was deeply life changing and when faced with every daily challenge I had to decide will I rise above it or will I cringe and hide from life. I chose the the former and the struggle was honestly brutal but in the end I found a much stronger man. I became a deeper person with roots that reached much further into the grounds of courage, faith and hope! We may not have the luxury of an ample amount of ideal choices when dealing with adversity but we can have an amazing perspective and or hope in dealing with adversity and that is where healthy change can occur.

Tuesday 15 August 2017



The beauty of grace is far deeper than we can imagine, it's a lifelong journey of seeing and enduring through life's choices, trials, the valleys and the mountain tops. We See things in the moment, maybe even when we reflect on the past but it's always foggy through the eyes of humanity.
God speaks to us profoundly and with depth of love when He tells us to walk in our weakness, endure in our suffering, because in our suffering God is glorified and we are humbled. Pride is buried quickly in our struggles and that lense of cloudy muddy perception quickly fades and we begin to look more fervently at the light when it breaks through the clouds; like a lighthouse we become far more dependant on where God wants us to go and less on where we want to be.
When we see the light with joy and with reliance we begin to celebrate the destination, the journey, God's wisdom is always far better than our own. In the end our weakness is His testimony to a loving Father, an amazingly gracious giver of hope and victory. The light always breaks through the darkest storms...

Monday 14 August 2017


The gospel isn't about comfort, comfort in your apathy or your comfort in compromises but the gospel is definitely the truth wrapped up in the cross, the resurrection and in the absolute grace of God but that gift is a choice, a profoundly pivotal choice that each human being either chooses to accept or reject. In the very acceptance of that truth we find freedom, not because we have created that truth but rather that the truth walked among mankind and gave his pure and spotless life for our transgressions. That is a rose among a sea of sand, a well that never runs dry.

Sunday 13 August 2017

Life is too short to be a complainer, to grumble about the little things, because eventually that's all you'll ever see, or want to see. I prefer to see the amazing little things, the joyful moments that wait for a patient admirer. I like to sit and watch the river sing a melody or the sky dance above the ground in delight or to hear raindrops diving into the unknown. I like to count my blessings and walk through the shadow of the valley of death with my heart singing.

Saturday 12 August 2017

Purpose Of Hope

I'm Not A Random Act Of
Mathematical Improbabilities
But Rather A Precious
Created Human Being
That Has A Purpose And A Life Beyond The Flaws
Of Humanity And Understanding.
God Created Me With A Purpose
And With His Amazing Grace
And I'm Loved Beyond My Mistakes,
Beyond My Accolades
And Far Beyond
My Present Understandings.
Whatever This Life Holds,
It's Like Shifting Sands That Suddenly Fade
With The Winds Of Change.
The Beauty Is Knowing The Life You Have
Is A Tremendous Gift
And The Time To Invest In
The Joy Of That Very Blessing
Is Now.
                                                               By Ernie Kasper